About Us

Welcome to Dog Sports USA

We are a family owned business located in Washington State that specializes in equipment for all your major dog sports. This website is a new extension of our manufacturing business which has provided high quality equipment for the Agility market for over 16 years. We will be adding equipment for additional sports on a monthly basis, starting with our existing agility line. If you would like notification when a new equipment line opens, just use the contact page and specify the sport or sports that you are interested in. Also feel free to contact us if you would like to become an equipment tester for a particular sport.

All of our products are proudly made in the USA and we try to support small local family businesses and craftswomen (and craftsmen)  whenever possible for the few items we don't produce completely in house. If you ever need a product that we don't carry or have an idea for a training aid or item, please feel free to contact us and we will make every effort to add it to our line. Our focus is to provide affordable, high quality products that allow everyone to enjoy the partnership of sharing a spot with their canine best friend. 

We welcome your questions, comments and suggestions. Feel free to use our contact page or email our team directly at [email protected]